Trickling filter design - 6 functions you want to treat wastewater

Trickling filters are classified as follows: (a) the conventional design or standard rate trickling filter and (b) high-filters. The two types of drip filter designs differ in the type of filter loading and operation. So in case of high rate filters, the store is in terms of area, ie the hydraulic load in a wire, from 5 to 15 times the standard rate of the filters and in view of the 5-day BOD is, the organic load from 4 to 5 timesso much. The high rate trickling filter design depends for its operation on the return of waste water through the filter by pumping a portion of the filter for pretreatment of wastewater, and then filters through pumping.
Table: a comparative study on the properties of the two types of drip filter system.
Features comparative percolation
1 Features: filter loading
1.1 Features: Rated expressed by area, standard:(22-44 mlhd); Superior rating: (110-120 mlhd);
1.2 Features: in volume, Standard rating: (925 to 2.220 kg of BOD for 5 days ha.m) top Rating:, (. 7.400 to 18.500 kg BOD 5 days ha.m)
2 Features: Depth of Contact Material: Standard Rated: 1.8-2.4 m; Superior rating: 1.2 to 1.8 m;
3 Features: Pre-and post-treatment, standard rated: necessary for the proper functioning of the filter, Standard Rating: Even for the proper functioning of theFilters;
4 Features: Mode, Standard Rating: Continuous application less flexible and requires less skill in operation, Superior Rating: Continuous application flexibility and ability to handle the necessary equipment;
5 Characteristics: Type of wastewater produced, Standard Rating: wastewater, when finely divided, very stable in the high nitrate content. BOD into the filter and the tank next system to remove 56-98 percent and the BOD in the effluent is less than 20Percentage points higher: Wastewater is distributed finely, but less stable, as a lack of nitrates and therefore a bit 'lower. The reduction of BOD 63-90 percent, the results of the phase is not as good as that of the normal rate, due to the design trickling filter;
6 Features: The cost of operating, standard Rating: N / A; highest rating: not, for the same services;
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