Saturday, October 22, 2011

Types of Fish Tank Filters

Types of Fish Tank Filters

Water Filter

There are many different styles and designs of fish tank filters on the market these days and it can be hard to know what you need for you tank. Choosing a filter that is well suited to your tanks environment will ensure that you have a nice looking, low maintenance, clean and healthy environment for your fish. This article will provide some important information regarding the types of internal and external fish tank filters, and how to go about purchasing a filter for your fish tank. Armed with the information below and following the small guide on how to purchase a filter for a fish tank will help you purchase a really well suited filter that is going to add a lot of value to your tank.

There are two main types of popular internal filters on the market today. These two are widely used all over the world and have been found to be the most effective internal tank filters out there. They are the under gravel filter, or UGF, and the sump tank filter. UGF's are a simple plastic grate that is installed underneath the gravel or substrate of your tank. Tubes rise out of the grate and have bubbler inserted into them. This suck water down through the gravel and back up the tubes. The gravel acts as a filter and will remove a lot of debris from your fish tank water. Sump type filters are really popular in marine fish tanks. These filters are made up of an internal tube that removes water from the tank and down into a sump area. The water is then pushed through a series of filters that helps to remove any debris and nasty bacteria. The water is then pumped back into the top of the tank providing a continuous cycle of freshly filtered water back into the tank.

The other type of filter on the market is the external filter. This performs all of the cleaning and filtering outside of the tank and keeps the unfiltered water separate from the clean water. Normally, there are two hoses that connect the external fish tank filter to the tank. They pump water in and out of the tank providing a fresh source of constant clean water. These are the best types of filters on the market but are also the most expensive.

Purchasing the correct type of filter is the best way to have a clean tank that is low maintenance. A lot of people get this step wrong and it leads to lots of cleaning and eventually people get sick of having to do so much work to keep their fish. You need to do as much research as you can before buying a filter to ensure that you pick the right one. The best way to do this is either to get advice from people that already own fish or from searching around on the internet. Make sure that you double check any information you find on the internet with at least two or three sources as a lot of people will say anything just to try and sell you something. Following this advice should help you to make a good decision when it comes to choosing a fish tank filter.

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