Pure water filters - the truth about potentially dangerous filter you can buy in stores

If you're like me, you probably do not trust your city's water supply and can not believe every claim of the companies that make wild water filters pure.
What we need is an overview of products on the market, and a better understanding of how the health, clean water can be brought into our homes and gave confidence to our children. Let me do for you.
From what I read, we can divide all the systems of pure water into two large groups: those who seek to make the water soShe also strips of pure natural minerals in it, and others who seek to filter out the smallest particles and organisms. Neither makes the water safe and healthy, as you might expect.
Let's first look at water filters to produce pure water demineralization.
And 'popular for pure filtered water to remove minerals, how to purify water. It seems logical, there are some old science, backing up and his widely used in wastewater treatment plants large industrial. Many citiesWater Authority, for example, give to drink this water. But it is not healthy.
The easiest way to remove the minerals in the water is distilled to it.
Do you remember high school and college chemistry experiments in which water has been boiled converted into gas, passed through a coil of glass and condensed back to water. The distillation.
While the final sample of distilled water looks clean and definitely does not contain bacteria, it still contains the chemical synthesisthat boil at a lower temperature than water and leaves behind the minerals, it absorbs all the water in the depths of the earth, as it creeps past the pristine rocks and small traces of dissolved minerals.
Why do you want to remove these trace elements with pure water filter?
And 'through our drinking water, to get the minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium in the body. Thank God, because we need them, and they are sick and unhealthy without it. The World HealthOrganization not completed long ago that "drinking water must contain a minimum amount of essential minerals." No water anywhere on earth is a natural mineral-free. There must be a reason. I think we can say that distilled water is used for a long period unhealthy, and pure water filters, which are made of strips of minerals are not recommended.
There is another common way to desalinate the water.
Put through an extremely thin membrane filters with a sophisticatedDeveloped method called reverse osmosis requires 40 or more years in the printing industry, the mineral-free water in some printing processes.
Reverse osmosis was popular in the Middle East after the first oil crisis of 1970, when the Arab states have money to spend on industrial scale desalination along its coasts, the deep desert, which could be irrigated, and a population that could accept less-than-healthy water for specific purposes. U-boats also installed a reverse osmosisUnits.
It works by forcing water through a thin membrane that blocks all the water molecules smaller.
And therein lies the first problem. The molecules of synthetic chemicals such as herbicides and pesticides are smaller than water molecules. So, running water in the so-called "pure". And the second big problem is that trace elements are stopped by the membrane filter. We have just seen that this is not good for us.
OtherCategory filtering systems for fresh water are the candles that we see in commercial advertising.
Block carbon and granular activated carbon filters are used in many water filters pure.
Among these active elements in free form, as a handful of sand. These pure water filters work by creating a process in which contaminated particles chemically or physically bond to the surface of the filter. In this way, the pollutants are absorbed into the filter or block them. Minerals willfrom. But, as the microscopic cysts, disease and suffering are to be transported.
A certain type of activated carbon such as carbon is the best available at the time, after the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. But even this has its limits.
Then there are multi-media filters blocking clean water.
These are among the best. You use what you can do charcoal, and then cleaning company to the next level. These water filters are the pure material, the recording and stops alongImpurities, but the company in a form "candle" compressed. In addition, these extremely fine porous barriers filter unit, the water must leave aside. This barrier stops the sediment and Cryptosporidium and Giardia cysts dangerous diseases of the stomach. With the active filter that prevents this type of system the effect of channeling granular filter, a portion of water is not actually physical contact with cleaning materials in the activeFilter.
So to summarize, pure water filters are divided into two groups. Those who take the healthy trace elements we need and where they can be blocked by trying to synthetic chemicals, bacteria and viruses. In my opinion the second type is better if they stop components, all the harmful impurities, because our bodies can in trace elements from drinking they need to take.
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