Thursday, May 19, 2011

Structured water unit for the water healthy, long life and a greener environment

Structured water unit for the water healthy, long life and a greener environment Video Clips. Duration : 6.70 Mins.

Welcome to Structured Water Units. A fascinating new discovery to the purification of water in our house to do the same way Mother Nature. The structured water is your Unit structure of water and let the water, which is to enjoy balanced. It kills the anaerobic bacteria (bad bacteria). Increase aerobic bacteria (good bacteria). E 'alkaline water back to the right from 7.0 to 7.5 pH balance. Softens your water. Your garden plants need less water. It is notFilters do for the good things in some of the water filters on the market. And one of the best parts of the structuring Water Unit is that you do not replace them. This drive is a one-time installation. Amazing technology! The structured water unit is truly amazing that the technology uses a better understanding of the phenomena of fluid, using the dynamic characteristic of the water and geometric structures, which work in water at the molecular level so thatof course, create water balanced. Water is the machine. N. moving parts or chemicals. Completely pure state. Just as water is a beautiful river. A good way to rehydrate! It also allows you to create a green environment for a greener carbon footprint.

Keywords: Structured, Water, Filter, Waterfilter, Filters, Pure, ph, Balanced, Cleans, Toxins, Hydrate, Green, Carbon, Footprint

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